Dell 2407WFP Monitor
A had a non-working Dell 2407WFP LCD Monitor in my stash for quite a long time. I recently decided to see if I can fix it. It is a quite old but pretty nice 24" LCD monitor, with a 1920x1200 resolution.
The symptom was the nice kind: dead. No light …
HP ZR24W PSU Repair
A friend of mine had a problem with his (a bit old) 24" HP monitor: the device was working properly, but only for a while (few minutes at most).
Looked like a good candidate for a quick repair, problem being most probably bad caps are so.
The first step was …
Lambda LPD 422 FM Bench PSU
This post is a quick presentation and teardown of a small bench power supply I bought on ebay a few weeks ago for something like 40€.

It's an old unit, not sure it's exact age, but the components inside the unit seem to have date codes around 1971/1972. So …