EIP 545B RF Frequency Counter - Firmware
This part will focus on the analyze of the firmware I made so far, in order to fix a few issues I have encountered in my unit, as related in previous previous part.
It will be updated as I make progress on disassembling and understanding the firmware.
Original Firmware
The …
EIP 545B RF Frequency Counter - Part 6
Band 3 Sensitivity
I have been trying to figure out a bit more about the sensitivity problem described in part 3.
The main problem remains the first YIG sphere that has fall off the holding rod. I have tried to manipulate it with thin wood stick, under my cheap USB …
EIP 545B RF Frequency Counter - Part 5
Thanks to HighPrecision, I've been able to get a copy of an old version of the EIP documentation "Additional Service Information for 5XX CW Counters". It's unfortunately unavailable online, still, it contains a lot of valuable information.
The part dedicated to verifying the Band 3 Microwave Converter (A203) is as …
EIP 545B RF Frequency Counter - Part 4
This part is about my attempt to modify the firmware to "fix" the problem of weird intial setup: a -160MHz offset and a resolution set to 5 digits.
In the previous part, we figured some probable spots in the firware where these default setup configurations might be set.
EPROM checksums …
EIP 545B RF Frequency Counter - Part 3
Default settings
One of the annoying thing with this 'SPECIAL' edition of the firmware are the default settings:
- Frequency Offset -160MHz
- Resolution 5 digits
One of my goals while disassembling the formware was to 'fix' these defaults settings. I was wondering wether they where located in an undocumented part of …
EIP 545B RF Frequency Counter - Part 2
I've started a discussion on the eevblog forum to gather a bit help for my project. And I did well since a few fellows did help me a lot on some aspects.
I have now been able to run the power meter at full resolution (even if it's very out …
EIP 545B RF Frequency Counter
I recently purchased a broken EIP 545B microwave frequency counter on ebay. It was very inexpensive (around 150€ delivered), but obviously, non working.

The device was described as "does not power up", an is clearly not in very good condition. Quite dirty, battered, with the band 2 BNC connector ruined …