HP3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer
One of my old test gears waiting for my attention in the cellar was a HP 3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer. Back then I bought this device mainly for doing audio analysis (I was building my HiFi system, mostly based on Nelson Pass' schematics), mainly to display spectrum responses and compute …
HP3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer - Part 2
This is the part 2 of the series about my HP 3562A Digital Signal Analyzer, quickly describing the Digital Section of the instrument.
Digital Section
The unit is quite capable, since the main CPU is a 68000 (not exactly of small CPU for the time).

The 8 boards are:
- A1 …
HP3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer - Part 3
This is the part 3 of the series about my HP 3562A Digital Signal Analyzer, quickly describing the Analog Section of the instrument.
Analog Section
The analog section consist in 6 boards:
- A30: Analog Source
- A31: Trigger
- A32, A34: Input ADCs
- A33, A35: Input
Analog Source

This board is mainly …
HP3562A Dynamic Signal Analyzer - Part 4
This is the part 4 of the series about my HP 3562A Digital Signal Analyzer, quickly describing the HP 1345A Digital Display unit as well as the repair I had to do on it.
The display unit is a HP1345A Digital Display without the option 714 (wich adds a …